ICCollege endeavours to provide all assistance, welfare and guidance services necessary to enable each student to reach competence including:
Confidential counselling and referral services on matters of a personal nature are available to students. Any client showing signs of distress is encouraged to discuss this with their lecturer, the Pastoral Care Coordinator, the Administrator, or the Director of Studies. Professional external assistance may be called upon to assist the student.
Emergency Services
Emergency services such as police, ambulance, fire and rescue are provided by the Queensland Government.
In an emergency situation dial 000 (triple zero) for:
– Police, or reporting a crime in progress
– Ambulance
– Fire and Rescue.
When the emergency service’s operator answers your call, you should be prepared to give your name, address, telephone number and the type of service that you require.
Support Services
There are a range of support services available to which referral for specific needs will be possible if necessary. Some of these include:
- Centrelink – Ph. 13 1021
- Centrelink Family Assistance Office – Ph. 13 1524
- Lifeline – Ph. 13 11 14
- Alcoholic Anonymous (07) 3255 9162
- Gambling Helpline 1800 222 050
- Queensland Housing Crisis Line (07) 3367 2522
- (for temporary accommodation)
- Telephone interpreter service 13 14 50
- Domestic Violence Telephone Service 1800 811 811
- Peter Janetzki & Associates (07) 3822 8336
- (Christian counseling service)
- Legal Aid Call Centre 1300 65 11 88
- Women Legal Service (Brisbane) (07) 3392 0670
- Teen Challenge Queensland (07) 3422 1500
Learning Assistance
API is committed to assisting students to master the learning skills that are necessary to reach their full academic potential. Learning support is available to all students enrolled at API.
Learning assistance is provided in the areas of:
- Study skills – Motivation, organisation, reading, writing, listening, memory techniques and exam stress management.
- Language, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) – Students needing LLN support are either identified by the lecturer/facilitator or the student approaches a staff member & expresses their concerns. In most cases, LLN support can be given. Where only a low level of support is needed, the Administrator or her delegate may arrange for the student to receive extra-curricular assistance. Where extensive support is needed, specialised LLN classes may be set up which may attract a fee. Alternatively, the student may be referred to specialist services. English as a Second Language Applicants whose secondary or tertiary education was undertaken in a language other than English will need to provide evidence that they meet the minimum English language proficiency requirements for entry into the course, i.e. an IELTS (International English Language Testing System) score of 5.5 or a TOEFL score of 550 for Certificate IV or Diploma of Multicultural Ministry courses There is no IELTS requirement for Certificate I, II, III and IV in Spoken and Written English.
- Students requiring additional assistance will be encouraged to access a Language, Literacy & Numeracy Program through:
1. Centrelink. (Currently there are 54 Registered Training Organisations contracted to deliver assessment and training services under this program).
National Office: Director
Literacy & Numeracy Section
LOC 736
PO Box 9880 Canberra City ACT 2601
Ph 02 6240 59366 Fax 02 62240 7439
2. Alternatively, the student may contact the Adult Literacy telephone referral service 1300 6555 06 for advice & referrals to over 1200 providers of Adult literacy & numeracy across Australia.
- Specialised educational support: Where necessary an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) will be developed to ensure that API’s curriculum is inclusive for the student. This process will consist of a number of phases.
i. Information gathering
ii. Hold an IEP meeting with student, facilitator and tutor or specialised facilitator to circulate outcomes. These outcomes include a document stating the goals for the student for the next term and training/tutor programs to support these prioritised IEP goals.
iii. Determine the current level at which the student is functioning. Document the plan (IEP) for the student. Design a training/tutor program.
iv. Implement the program and monitor the student’s progress.
v. Evaluate, monitor and modify the program regularly. Evaluate the student’s performance within the program and API activities. Have the student reflect and evaluate own performance in relation to the plan. Evaluate the effectiveness of the plan.
For information on how to access these support services, please contact the Administrator.