S.OA.R. Leadership Conference 22-23 May 2015

S.O.A.R. Leadership Conference 22-23 May


International Christian College students are welcomed to join S.O.A.R. Leadership Conference hosted by International City Church.

This conference will be a great opportunity to develop leadership skills in your ministry.


Guest Speaker: Ps. Danny Guglielmucci, founder of Edge Church International

Topics:  The Pattern – The Biblical Pattern of Leadership

Friday 22nd – 7pm / Saturday 23rd 2015 – 9am to 1pm

Cost: Free Entry (an offering will be collected)

Register at info@iccbrisbane.org (include your name, phone number & email)



Term 2 Enrolment is open now

Certificate IV and Diploma of Multicultural Ministry
Enrol Now for Term 2 2015, (20 Apr 2015)

Click to view Timetable: https://www.iccollege.com.au/course-info/

  • Full time  /  Part time  /  Individual Subject Enrolment available
  • Local and International Students are all welcome !

International Christian College
23 Foster St, Newmarket QLD 4051
07 3257 1868 (Option 2)

* At International Christian College we are all about:
Multicultural    l    Ministry Equipping    l    Missions    l    Miracles

Enrol Now for Term 4 2014 (7 Oct – 5 Dec 2014)

Cert IV and Diploma in Multicultural Ministry

Enrol Now for Term 4 2014, (7 Oct – 5 Dec 2014)

* At International Christian College we are all about:

Ministry Equipping


Click to view Timetable: https://www.iccollege.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/MM-Timetable_Term-3-4-2014.pdf


International Christian College

23 Foster St, Newmarket QLD 4051

07 3257 1868 (Option 2)

Graduation !


Big Congratulations to our Ministry Graduates !

The Directors of the International Christian College cordially invite you to the students’ Graduation from the Cert IV & Diploma of Multicultural Ministry.

Please come along and celebrate with us !

For more detail, please contact office 07 3257 1868 today

Back to Studies !

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The classes will be held at our New Campus @ 23 Foster St, Newmarket QLD 4051



23 Foster Street
Brisbane QLD 4051

P.O Box 3454
Brisbane QLD 4051

PHONE | +61 (7) 3257 1868 (press option no. 2)

FAX | +61 (7) 3257 1869

EMAIL | admin@apinstitute.qld.edu.au

* If you have any enquiries or are in need of more information about our courses, events, ministries or church, feel free to contact us and we’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible.


BY CAR (Southside)

(20 minutes)take the M3 Highway to City, continue on Coronation Drive, take Sunshine Coast exit, drive straight, take the Kelvin Grove Rd exit, drive straight, turn right onto Edmondstone St, Turn right onto Foster St and ICC Foster St will be on the left (23 Foster St, Newmarket).


BY CAR (Northside) (14 minutes) head to Gympie Rd, slight right onto Kedron Park Rd, slight right to stay onLutwyche Rd, turn right onto Newmarket Rd, turn left onto Baradine St, turn right onto Edmondstone St, take the 2nd left onto Foster St and ICCollege will be on the left (23 Foster St, Newmarket).  

For more details: https://maps.google.com.au or enter 23 Foster St, Newmarket, QLD 4051 into your GPS.




We are 15 minutes walk from Newmarket train station (BNFG Beenleigh via Brisbane City to Ferny Grove Line).

BY BUS (Westside) 

  1. At UQ Chancellor’s Place, zone D catch express bus 412 going towards St Lucia South, Uni of Qld, St Lucia, Toowong, Milton, City to Adelaide St Stop 16 near George St, walk 278m to King George Square station platform 1F, then catch
  2. Express bus 345 going towards Cultural Centre, City, Normanby, Newmarket, Stafford, Aspley to Kelvin Grove Rd at Newmarket, stop 20.
  3. Walk 327m to 23 Foster St, Newmarket, QLD 4051.


BY BUS (Southside) 

  1. At Sunnybank Plaza, Catch express bus 130 going towards Parkinson, Algester, Sunnybank Hills, Griffith Uni, City to Cultural Centre station, change buses to:
  2. Express bus 345 going towards Cultural Centre, City, Normanby, Newmarket, Stafford, Aspley to Kelvin Grove Rd at Newmarket, stop 20.
  3. Walk 327m to 23 Foster St, Newmarket, QLD 4051.